Thursday, June 2

Who am I

I am many things to many people. I'm sure their opinions of me would vary depending on whom you would question. I've been raped, robbed, stabbed, lied to, cheated on, burned out of my home, and my first husband was murdered after only 1 year and 2 months of our marriage. (The perp got a whole 5 years in prison, but that's a whole 'nother story.)

I've traveled all over this great country of ours before I got so sick at the end of 1998 and I became homebound. I've lived many different lifestyles. I can talk about a big variety of subjects, most from personal experience. I don't say this to brag, far from it. Some of the things I've been thru I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I do speak out though, for I feel if by talking about it all, I can save one person from making the same mistakes in their life and they avoid the pain I've known, then it was all worth it.

My physical pain won't ever go away though, even though I've learned to deal with the mental. Crohn's is unrelenting for me. I must admit though I always get a kick out of the nurses when they ask me what my pain level is and I tell them 'I pass out from it'. Now you tell me, how do you rate passing out on a scale of 1 to 10? LOL. They normally mark 10 and move on to the next question with a puzzled look on their faces, if not one of compassion. I don't need pity, I've learned to laugh at the times I've gone out like a light in the middle of the living room or bathroom floors. I give lying there like a lump a whole new meaning. :)



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