Friday, June 3

Morning sucks

Well, it's another day in the room. I keep a 3rd shift schedule, so my 'morning' is when I wake up for my day, normally around 2 pm Arizona time. The first hour of my day is spent getting pain meds in me so I am out of pain and doing potty runs. Guess I'm basically saying the first hour or two of my day are trashed, I can't plan on doing anything, due to needing to be near a bathroom until the sweet side effect of the hydrocodone hits me and it stops my guts up for the rest of the day. I only did 3 potty runs this morning so far, may turn out to be a good day after all.

I opened up the shutters so I can see out my window. I was greeted by some of the birds I feed. Sitting on the railing, staring in at me were 2 pigeons, 2 doves and quite a few sparrows. They know I will be tossing out seed for them between 4 and 5 pm, so I'm assured they go to bed tonight with full tummies. The palm trees across the street are steady, so it seems the high wind gusts we had yesterday have gone away today. The palms are gently swaying and are very pretty. Don't see anyone walking down the street to the grocery store across the street from us, nor do I see any medivacs flying into the trauma center at the hospital a mile away. Guess everyone is busy doing other things today and not hurting themselves while doing whatever! This is a good thing.

Ah hah. My outside birds are now making enough racket that it woke up my inside birds. My beloved Cockatiel, named Cleo, is sitting on 4 eggies at the moment. I can hear her mate, Elmo, in the cage talking to her. They are first time parents, so I wasn't sure how all this would go down, but so far so good. They have been the best parents to their eggs that I could imagine and I've been thrilled watching this all happen. The eggs are due to start hatching in another week.

I got Cleo in 1998, just before I got so sick and almost died. I dropped to 72 pounds and was so weak I had to use a wheelchair to get around. I spent most of my time lying on the couch in pain and misery back then, but the love of that little bird helped get me thru. She spent all her time on top of me, never wanting to leave my side, even if tempted with her favorite food. She took care of her momma, just like I took care of her when she was a baby. (I hand fed her, then weaned her onto real food.)

Cleo started laying eggs when she turned about 3 years old. We didn't have a mate for her back then though, so of course they didn't hatch. I saw how badly she wanted to be a momma and my heart went out to her. She kept laying eggs a few times a year. This year when I was talking to the new manager of our apt. complex, he told me he had 2 male cockies. I immediately asked him if I could borrow one of his males and he said 'sure, which one do you want?' We ended up bringing both males up here for a week or so and let Cleo meet them. I picked the younger one for a couple of reasons. He was calmer than the older one and he was closest to Cleo's own age. we sit today with Elmo and Cleo and their 4 eggs. Neither of the birds had been bred before, so we weren't sure if they would know what to do .. LOL. I didn't need to worry, they knew! Their first night in the same cage together was all they needed to get started. A few days after that, the first egg was laid. This time it was like Cleo really did know it was different, this time they were gonna hatch. She was soooo excited and kept showing off her eggie to me. I, of course, made a big deal about it to her and you could just see the pride she had. :)



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