Saturday, June 4

More pain

I told my GP doc I was still hurting and due to a past colonoscopy that was done on me, I knew that my uterus was tilted and pressing into my colon, causing me to have horrible bowel obstructions.

I'm not pregnant there. That belly is caused by a bowel obstruction. Do you know what they did for it? Nothing! I was tossed into the hospital for a few days, but all they did in there was to tell me I needed an enema. Sheesh! I could have done that at home. They brought me an enema kit and a nurse. I told the nurse to get lost, I was more than capable of doing it myself. Of course it didn't really help and they sent me home. At home I got out my real, good enema setup and gave them to myself over and over again, until I finally was able to get past the obstruction and clear the bowel.

I whined some more about my uterus being the cause of the problem and pain, so they sent me to some OB/GYN that was affiliated with the health clinic. All he did was do a Pap smear and tell me I was fine. Lot of good that did me. I asked to see another one and was told they no longer wanted me as a patient and to find help elsewhere. Keep in mind I was still taking the large amounts of painkiller each day and was medically addicted to it. They gave me a month's worth of meds and cut me loose.

I went to another clinic and they cut my meds in half, leaving me in withdrawal and pain. They sent me to another OB/GYN, who ended up being almost a repeat of the first one I saw. This one did run an ultrasound, but they did it with me lying down, so never saw the uterus doing it's thing, as that happened when I was sitting up. I asked to do the test sitting up and was refused. I was again told I was lying, the pain meds were what was making me hurt (that made a whole lot of sense) and there was nothing else they could do for me.

Having no where else to turn, I took matters into my own hands. I checked around and found a methadone clinic a mile from my home. I went there in my wheelchair and started dosing daily. In two weeks time I was out of pain enough to ride my bicycle the 2 mile round trip distance every day. (By that point our van had died anyway, so we had no way to get around except by bicycle.) I went to the clinic for 2 years as I kept on trying to find a doctor to help me.

Finally, I found a doctor who was willing to take me on. I'm still with this wonderful man to this day and love him dearly. He was the only doc in my life who I feel truly believed me when I said I hurt and didn't think I was a drug seeker. (I was also making the change from methadone over to more traditional pain meds at this time, which is another horror story for another time.)

He sent me to 6 OB/GYNs over the next 2 years to try to find one to help me. We finally did and I feel I owe him and her my life. When I explained to her I thought I had a rectocele and my uterus was tilted, she knew exactly the test I needed. She sent me to a local hospital, out patient, for a date with an X-Ray taking toilet. LOL. Yes, you heard me right. Never knew they made such a critter, but it sure did me right. I was vindicated!

As soon as the test results were back, she scheduled surgery to fix the rectocele (breakdown of the wall of skin/muscle between the vaginal and anal cavities caused by the Crohn's) and to remove the uterus. She did such an excellent job that I was out of bed and outside in a wheelchair having a smoke 6 to 8 hours after surgery.

When I went in for my post surgery exam, my OB/GYN told me that she had gotten the report back from pathology. It seems my cervix was infected and going into cancer. Funny, not ONE of the Pap tests all those other OB's did had come back abnormal. Thank God she listened to me and removed it, or I may not be here today writing this to y'all.


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