Saturday, June 4

The Joy Of New Neighbors

I got my first introduction to our newest neighbors tonight just after getting out of the shower at 11 pm. Their rap music was so loud it was shaking the walls of my apartment .. and mine is up the stairs and around the corner 2 doors down around the corner. There were also kids outside in the courtyard screaming their brains out. Since this is the first time that's happened, I'm assuming it was their children.

Now we don't have a real phone, just too expensive. I still have our old cell phone though, so when yelling out for them to turn the music down didn't work, I called 911. They hung up on me. They don't consider noise an emergency. So I called back and explained to the lady who answered that I was homebound, didn't have a phone, couldn't get to a pay phone, so I couldn't call the main number and asked for her help. She hung up on me again.

I do have the ability to call out via my computer using a program called Skype, but it doesn't show a phone number on some that I call, so not all phones will take calls from me. The Phoenix PD is one of those. I did try calling their main number and it gave me the sound a fax machine makes and hung up. *sigh* I also tried to call the apt. manager, who's voicemail was full.

My husband was working tonight, so I ended up calling him at work and asking him to call the cops to come here and tell them to quiet down. I thought it would take awhile for an officer to get here, but to my surprise he was here in less than an hour. That's amazing in a city this size on a Saturday night.

Of course by the time the officer arrived here, they had turned the music down. He came up to my apartment and we chatted awhile. Very nice gentleman and VERY cute! LOL. Eye candy and good service, you can't beat that. (For anyone who may get upset by that last comment, my husband is a retired officer himself, so I say that in a good way. The officer was a fine looking man.) I was nice and didn't mug the officer for one of his patches either. Hehe, I collect police patches as a hobby, so if there are any officers out there reading this and you have an extra patch to spare .. please think of me!

Anyway, that's how my night has been going. Hope everyone reading this had a much quieter one than I did.



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