Monday, June 6

The New Tagboard

Howdy folks. For those that have been here before, you will have noticed I added in a tagboard for you to leave quick messages on. It's *free* software, but unfortunately that means it comes with a popup. I'm sorry about that. As soon as I can come up with 20 bucks I will send it to them and get the more advanced version that has no popups to bother you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

popups are what adblock and firefox are for :)

12:07 AM  
Blogger LComeno said...

Ohh, so you are sexy now, huh KC? LOL. That post was written to those who don't block popups dear. If YOU had complained about them, I would have thought you went nuts, I know you block them, just as I do and have for years. :P

12:43 AM  
Blogger fredheidrick said...

tryed to contact you by e-mail but your sorbes sais m my e-mail is spam.......allso your blog is disipering??????????, if you want a reply, re set your spam block on sorbes. , om mother life

om fred heidrick

2:23 AM  

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