Sunday, June 5

Mr Pissy

For the past 1 1/2 years I've been feeding the birds in this area off my balcony. I started feeding 3 little sparrows, who told the rest of their flock about this joint. In a week's time I had about 30 to 40 sparrows coming daily to eat. Then of course nature took it's course and they expanded their flock each spring. Now I have about 50 to 60 sparrows.

After the sparrows came the mockingbirds, curved bill thrashers, pigeons, house finches (look like sparrows but have a red head and chest), little doves and bigger white winged doves. Mr Pissy is a white winged dove.

As I'm typing this I'm hearing Mr Pissy moan and groan out there as he eats. I'm seeing him try to beat up a pigeon to get his aggressions out. You'd think after that pigeon kicked his butt quite a few times, he'd learn ....

He's an odd bird. He has no problem with the smaller birds, but really doesn't like any other white winged doves or pigeons eating when he's here trying to eat. He does his best to intimidate them and chase them away. I have yet to figure out why, as I put out plenty of food for everyone.

At first I thought he was just upset that his mate wouldn't let him do what he wanted to do with her. When here she wanted to eat, not mate. That can't be it though, because I've seen him chase the other birds recently, even when she's not with him. Guess he just has a bad attitude.

Funny thing is, he KNOWS he's being bad. He will stand out on the balcony and look inside the window at me after he tries to fight with the other birds. I usually yell at him to behave and point a finger at him. He'll then take off for awhile, but always comes back in the same bad mood. I don't even have to look out there anymore, I can hear his moaning and groaning and know he's out there.

...and that's who Mr Pissy is.


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