Sunday, June 5

Music Calms The Soul

My husband doesn't like most forms of music, so normally this place is quiet as a morgue. Neither of us watch TV either really. I sometimes turn on CourtTV or A & E to watch the crime shows, but that's really it. Once in a long while, when we can afford it, we will rent a movie.

I grew up playing first chair clarinet in the school band and sang in the choir. I also play flute and saxaphone. As an adult I taught country/western dance for awhile in a nice club in South Florida. Music has always been part of my life, a big part of me and who I am. On the occasions I feel like singing along with a song, you got your pick which I will do .. harmony or melody, with a 3 octave range.

I go to meetings with one of the admin from my addiction forum on the average of once a month, where we meet with the man who handles all the code on it. They both like music, so I always take along my ghetto blaster one of them bought me, my fav CD's and let 'em rip! When I'm home though, I usually don't have it on.

Then there are times like today where I'm so friggin' bored and on the verge of depression. That's when I start grabbing for the CD's the guys have bought for me when we're together for the meetings and put them on. At the moment I'm listening to 'The Heart of Chicago 1967-1997'. Growing up an hour from the city of Chitown, their music always brings back good memories for me. I sing along and find a reason to smile again.



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