Wednesday, June 8

What Is My Name?!?

Heh, anyone following this blog is probably totally confused by this point about what my name really is. If you read the notes posted on the TagBoard, you will see me being called different ones by different people.

I'm an reunited adoptee. I was adopted at birth, but in 1991 I was reunited with my birth family .. mom, dad, aunts, uncles and 11 brothers and sisters. One of the first things I asked was what my bmom (birth mom) named me when I was born, since my aparents (adoptive parents) didn't know what it was. My bmom told me she had named me Lorraine Comeno, thus the LComeno nickname I use in here. See .. and all this time you though I was a combo car/truck and couldn't spell it's name right! (Some call me Elsie though and do cow jokes. LOL.)

My aparents named me Nancy. You will see people who know me in real life call me by that name often. In IRC, I use the nick of BikerBabe, so people who know me from there call me BB.

Hope this helps make the different names a little clearer than mud for you, now that I've explained where they all come from. :)



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