Thursday, June 9


Crohn's Disease can affect more than just the digestive system. 4 out of every million Crohnies get a bubbling skin disease and I'm one of those 4. My hands break out with tiny water blisters all over them, which then itch, burn, hurt and seep until I break them open. I sit every morning in the bright sunlight from my window and again at night under a 100 watt bulb in my desk lamp and pop the little suckers. I've had doctors in the past tell me it was just eczema, but I did research online and found out what I'm really dealing with. They also told me not to pop them, which I tried a few times. All it got me was groups of blisters which then broke open into HUGE sores. I went back to popping them as I see them develop.

Blisters on the hands may not sound like much to most. Here is a picture taken some years ago during a flare I did by putting my hands on a scanner.

Flare of 1998

At the moment my hands are about half this bad, but getting worse every day. I'm taking Prednisone, which usually helps get a flare under control, but not having much luck this time. Some days I think the side effect of 'instant death' from Prednisone is almost better than dealing with the pain these hands cause when they flare bad. *sigh*

Hope this finds everyone having a better day than I am.



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