Thursday, June 9

My New Boyfriend

I went downstairs a bit ago and met my new boyfriend. He decided to come out from under his rock and hug on me for awhile. He's just so cute I decided I must have a picture of us together to share with everyone who reads this blog. I brought him upstairs to my apartment and here is the picture I took of he and I.

Who can think up a good name for him?

What I was really doing was checking to see if our manager was down there. He wasn't, but being the rockhound I am (I do lapidary when my hands allow), the big new jasper rock he put out caught my eye. When I picked up one of the rocks, I found the lizard under it. Not sure what kind he is, but he sure was friendly.

As you know from my previous post today, I've been dealing with quite a bit of pain. Funny how something so simple as a friendly critter can brighten up your day. I owe this little guy quite a lot, he made me smile again.



Crohn's Disease can affect more than just the digestive system. 4 out of every million Crohnies get a bubbling skin disease and I'm one of those 4. My hands break out with tiny water blisters all over them, which then itch, burn, hurt and seep until I break them open. I sit every morning in the bright sunlight from my window and again at night under a 100 watt bulb in my desk lamp and pop the little suckers. I've had doctors in the past tell me it was just eczema, but I did research online and found out what I'm really dealing with. They also told me not to pop them, which I tried a few times. All it got me was groups of blisters which then broke open into HUGE sores. I went back to popping them as I see them develop.

Blisters on the hands may not sound like much to most. Here is a picture taken some years ago during a flare I did by putting my hands on a scanner.

Flare of 1998

At the moment my hands are about half this bad, but getting worse every day. I'm taking Prednisone, which usually helps get a flare under control, but not having much luck this time. Some days I think the side effect of 'instant death' from Prednisone is almost better than dealing with the pain these hands cause when they flare bad. *sigh*

Hope this finds everyone having a better day than I am.


Wednesday, June 8

What Is My Name?!?

Heh, anyone following this blog is probably totally confused by this point about what my name really is. If you read the notes posted on the TagBoard, you will see me being called different ones by different people.

I'm an reunited adoptee. I was adopted at birth, but in 1991 I was reunited with my birth family .. mom, dad, aunts, uncles and 11 brothers and sisters. One of the first things I asked was what my bmom (birth mom) named me when I was born, since my aparents (adoptive parents) didn't know what it was. My bmom told me she had named me Lorraine Comeno, thus the LComeno nickname I use in here. See .. and all this time you though I was a combo car/truck and couldn't spell it's name right! (Some call me Elsie though and do cow jokes. LOL.)

My aparents named me Nancy. You will see people who know me in real life call me by that name often. In IRC, I use the nick of BikerBabe, so people who know me from there call me BB.

Hope this helps make the different names a little clearer than mud for you, now that I've explained where they all come from. :)


Monday, June 6

The New Tagboard

Howdy folks. For those that have been here before, you will have noticed I added in a tagboard for you to leave quick messages on. It's *free* software, but unfortunately that means it comes with a popup. I'm sorry about that. As soon as I can come up with 20 bucks I will send it to them and get the more advanced version that has no popups to bother you.


My No Good Daughter!!!

Hah! That title got your attention I bet. :)

Sammi (Samantha) is my daughter. In my heart she's always gonna be that little girl in the pink diaper with the XMas bow stuck on the back end of them. In reality, she's almost 19 years old now.

Sammi and I in summer of 2002.

Isn't she beautiful? She lives a couple states away from me these days and I miss her so. At least we have IM and can talk online almost every day. Just got done talking to her a short time ago in fact.

Sammi is a sweet girl who would *never* think of picking on anyone. OK, so she was my biggest baby size wise and to this day she hasn't let her 2 brothers forget that. Sooo, she's come into IRC a few times when there were net friends of mine in the channel who didn't know her and greeted me with 'whore' to which I replied 'slut'. Then there was the day she decided she was gonna 'beat up' her step dad .. which ended up with her on her belly, on the living room floor, handcuffed behind her back. You gotta love her, the girl has spunk! (Not to mention my warped sense of humor. LOL.)

I remember when she turned 13. That's when I informed her that I no longer knew anything because she was now a teenager, so she was on her own for decisions. Heh, it worked. She and I have always had an open line of communication and she knows she can talk to me about anything. Does some of it hurt? Sure it does, that's normal and happens to all parents. I'd rather talk over with her whatever she wants to discuss than not hear it though. I want the best for her and for that to happen, she and I need to be able to talk about any and all subjects. I learned long ago it's better to act than react and that applies double when dealing with kids.

I love this young lady more than words can say and I pray she knows that. When I learned from the sonogram I was going to have a daughter, I admit I was scared. I had grown up with all boys and have always related to guys better than girls. Then she was born and she took my breath away. All the fear was gone that quickly and she and I are like two peas in a pod almost all of the time.

I love you Sammi!


Sunday, June 5

Music Calms The Soul

My husband doesn't like most forms of music, so normally this place is quiet as a morgue. Neither of us watch TV either really. I sometimes turn on CourtTV or A & E to watch the crime shows, but that's really it. Once in a long while, when we can afford it, we will rent a movie.

I grew up playing first chair clarinet in the school band and sang in the choir. I also play flute and saxaphone. As an adult I taught country/western dance for awhile in a nice club in South Florida. Music has always been part of my life, a big part of me and who I am. On the occasions I feel like singing along with a song, you got your pick which I will do .. harmony or melody, with a 3 octave range.

I go to meetings with one of the admin from my addiction forum on the average of once a month, where we meet with the man who handles all the code on it. They both like music, so I always take along my ghetto blaster one of them bought me, my fav CD's and let 'em rip! When I'm home though, I usually don't have it on.

Then there are times like today where I'm so friggin' bored and on the verge of depression. That's when I start grabbing for the CD's the guys have bought for me when we're together for the meetings and put them on. At the moment I'm listening to 'The Heart of Chicago 1967-1997'. Growing up an hour from the city of Chitown, their music always brings back good memories for me. I sing along and find a reason to smile again.


Mr Pissy

For the past 1 1/2 years I've been feeding the birds in this area off my balcony. I started feeding 3 little sparrows, who told the rest of their flock about this joint. In a week's time I had about 30 to 40 sparrows coming daily to eat. Then of course nature took it's course and they expanded their flock each spring. Now I have about 50 to 60 sparrows.

After the sparrows came the mockingbirds, curved bill thrashers, pigeons, house finches (look like sparrows but have a red head and chest), little doves and bigger white winged doves. Mr Pissy is a white winged dove.

As I'm typing this I'm hearing Mr Pissy moan and groan out there as he eats. I'm seeing him try to beat up a pigeon to get his aggressions out. You'd think after that pigeon kicked his butt quite a few times, he'd learn ....

He's an odd bird. He has no problem with the smaller birds, but really doesn't like any other white winged doves or pigeons eating when he's here trying to eat. He does his best to intimidate them and chase them away. I have yet to figure out why, as I put out plenty of food for everyone.

At first I thought he was just upset that his mate wouldn't let him do what he wanted to do with her. When here she wanted to eat, not mate. That can't be it though, because I've seen him chase the other birds recently, even when she's not with him. Guess he just has a bad attitude.

Funny thing is, he KNOWS he's being bad. He will stand out on the balcony and look inside the window at me after he tries to fight with the other birds. I usually yell at him to behave and point a finger at him. He'll then take off for awhile, but always comes back in the same bad mood. I don't even have to look out there anymore, I can hear his moaning and groaning and know he's out there.

...and that's who Mr Pissy is.

Weather Report for Phoenix

While reading the news online when I got up today, I noticed we are in for some cold weather come Thursday. I couldn't resist taking a screenshot and cropping it down to just the weather area and sharing it with you all.

Get out your winter coat on Thursday!

See all those tall buildings in the live webcam picture? I see a lot of those as I look out my window. I live in the area this cam points at. :)