Sunday, June 19

I HATE Prednisone!

*Sigh* I can deal with some of the side effects that Prednisone gives me, but there are a couple I can't. Depression being one of them (instant death the other, LOL). Normally I get either the 'speedy' or 'always hungry' side effects, which are much easier to deal with. Sitting around crying my eyes out all day yesterday was something I don't really care to do a repeat preformance of any time soon. I decided not to take any Pred today and maybe not even for a couple more days to let all of it get out of my system. (This depends on how badly my hands blister up when I don't take it.) When the side effects are worse than the benefits, I know it's time to take a break. Then I will go back on it and see what side effects I develop the next go round. Each time is different with this damned drug.

At least this time I was on it long enough that my left hand didn't follow the right and only broke out in a few places. The right hand had enough time to heal up some and I'm able to type again fairly well without too much pain. I know I do need a few more days to a week on it to totally stop this flare of the skin disease, but the depression was just too great and I have to wait awhile before taking it again.

Well, we got our Lingo unit so we could finally have a phone again here. It seemed like a real easy setup, but then I tried to use it and everyone I tried to call couldn't hear me well. I kept breaking up, even though I could hear them just fine. I called Lingo and talked to a few of their techs and we began the trouble shooting. Now I'm the first to admit I'm mostly geek, but this one really had me stumped.

One tech had me go to a website and run a bandwidth check. Now I've done this in the past and all was always fine, but not this time. I had bandwidth between dial up and ISDN .. with cable! My next call was to Cox Cable. They sent a tech out here Friday and he knew immediately what it was. Cox upgraded recently and in doing that, it made our old modem unable to keep up. We had no choice but to buy a new modem that could handle the faster upload speed needed to power the phone and our computers. Thank God they will put the cost on our next bill so we have a little time to save up for it or we couldn't have done this.

Then, the next problem happened. If the phone is hooked up, my computer can't get online. The tech never did figure out how it worked with the old modem, he said that shouldn't have happened. The new modem is hooked up the same, but the phone grabs my IP and refuses to pass it along to my computer. We now need a router if we want the phone and computer to work at the same time. So now I have a phone and can't use it. LOL. Payday is tomorrow, so after my hubby cashes his check he will run down to Staples and pick us up a router. Once I hook up the router everything will work as it should finally.

Last, I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day to all you Dads reading this today. Hope you are having a wonderful day!