Thursday, June 16

Doctor Visit

Hey boys and girls. I just got home from my doctor's office. I talked with him about my pain meds not working as well any longer and my being aware of the fact I can't afford Oxycontin or MS Contin (morphine), which is what he'd prefer I be taking over the short half life Lortab 10's. He checked his reference book and the DEA allows people to take 6 a day before they start looking funny at you, so he was able to increase my dose to 6 a day from 4.

We also discussed my hands and all the information I've found out about them doing online research. He referred me to a skin doc to call when I can afford the visit. That doc can do the skin test I need to verify I do have EBA and from there I can apply for help from Social Security and get medical coverage. I'm going to ask our church if they can help cover the cost of the visit after I find out what they charge. That would help me get in sooner and get all this started.

My doc told me he could feel a mass/obstruction in the bowel as he was pressing on it. Told him 'how can there be anything in there when I spent the hour before coming in here in the bathroom?' He said 'you didn't get it all out, you'll go more later'. *sigh* ....and I wonder why I hurt.

Last I had a talk with him about my worse fear .. the outright terror of running out of meds and going into withdrawal. He told me he's not the doctors I had in the past who did that to me and he never will, so I needed to knock that kind of silly thinking off. He reminded me I can call him at any time that I need him and he will call in a refill for me. I must admit, that did put my mind at ease. There's not much worse than doing a forced detox when your head isn't in the right place. I love this doctor so much, he really cares for me and talks to me. He's not like others that have hurt me so bad in my past.

I'm also gonna take Prednisone daily for awhile since that is the only thing that seems to keep my hands somewhat under control. I still have some here, so didn't have the doc call me in any this visit. When I get near the end of what I have, I'll have the pharmacy fax him and he'll refill it for me then.

Sooooo, all in all today turned out good. The only part I hate is the resulting gut pain after I get poked and prodded, but I know that has to be done, so I deal with it. :)